Offering Virtual Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy

How do I know if RO DBT is the right therapy for me?

Which of the lists of words and phrases below best describes you?

(A) deliberate, practical, aloof, hard-working, organized


(B) impulsive, impractical, vulnerable, laid back, chaotic

If List A, your overall personality style can be described as a tendency to be more overcontrolled. While these traits are often applauded by society and those around us, research shows that too much of a good thing can contribute to disorders such as Chronic Depression, Anorexia Nervosa, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, Treatment-Resistant Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Maladaptive Perfectionism. For some of us, overcontrol may be one of the underlying causes of these disorders and can have an extremely negative impact on our quality of life. If your quality of life has been negatively impacted by overcontrol, RO DBT may be a good fit for you!

What is Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT)?

RO DBT is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy designed to treat disorders of overcontrol. The skills taught in this form of psychotherapy aim to build our ability to be more open to novel experiences, respond more flexibly to the demands of the moment, exhibit more authentic emotional expression, build more positive interpersonal relationships, be more receptive to unexpected or challenging feedback, and become more socially connected.

Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Amanda - the founder of and therapist at Open Concepts Therapy! In my experience as a therapist, I have had the privilege of walking beside hundreds of people on their mental health journeys. My mission is to provide evidence-based therapies while also acknowledging how power and privilege shape our identities and our experiences of the world. I aim to make every person I serve feel heard, accepted, respected, cared for, and supported as they work towards their goals.

When it comes to RO DBT, I am excited to be able to provide this evidence-based therapy to those who struggle with emotional loneliness as a result of overcontrol. I strongly believe that human connection (and not just through Instagram!) is integral to our mental health.  

Contact Us
(416) 906-8911